Scientific and Technical Awards given out last night

Last night, Jessica Biel, pictured, hosted the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Scientific and Technical Achievement Awards in Beverly Hills. Set was nice. Congrats to all those honored last night.

Other notes:
  • Tomorrow we find out the three finalists for mtvU's Oscar® Correspondent Contest, and consequently voting opens for them. So far, this is what I know: Don't look for Nick Maslow, but look for one of my favs Megan Telles. (Can't tell you how I know...) Here's hoping good news was given to David Distenfeld, but he removed his entry video from YouTube so I'm not thinking that's a good sign... Good luck to my other top five picks, Justin Shackil and Dylan Steinberg.
  • Academy Award-winner Jennifer Hudson performed on the Grammys this evening. She brought down the house! You could see the emotion on her face.
  • The Orange British Academy Film Awards took place tonight at the Royal Opera House in London. Award winners included "Slumdog Millionaire" for Best Film (note: the nominees were exactly the same was Oscar's Best Picture noms); Danny Boyle won for directing "Slumdog"; interesting - Martin McDonagh won for his original screenplay of "In Bruges"; "Slumdog" for adapted screenplay; and for actors: Mickey Rourke, Kate Winslet, Heath Ledger and Penélope Cruz. See full winners here. Here is a recap, thanks to itn:

That's all for now. Check back tomorrow for more news and notes.

Photo of Jessica Biel: Todd Wawrychuk / ©A.M.P.A.S.


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