Studying in France - Les Devoirs

I just wanted to announce a new Web site that I will be dedicating myself to for the next four months. I will be studying abroad in Lille, France, until the end of the year and have created a site to tell about my experiences. Some people do different things to inform their friends and family about their semesters abroad - there are blogs, journals, video entries on YouTube, picture postings on Facebook, e-mail and even snail mail (normally via postcards). I can announce I will probably use all of them. BUT the one which will be updated the most will be my special Web site I created. I wanted to be unique, creating something different so here you have it: . It is a site set up like a newspaper, called "Les Devoirs" (meaning homework in French). I thought it was an appropriate title, and not too long either. With that said, I hope to blog more this year and can just tell you to check back now and again. Au revoir! A bientot!